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Your October Horoscope Is Here & Things Are Looking Up

The final eclipse of 2024 occurs this month, cosmic beings. On October 2 at 2:49 p.m. EST, the new moon solar eclipse in Libra strikes, helping all zodiac signs feel more optimistic and light-hearted about the six months ahead. We’re emerging from the depths of Virgo season and last month’s Pisces lunar eclipse, and we’re taking a breath of fresh air as we choose to release our grip on the past and believe in what a vibrant fresh start can feel like for us. There’s no need to do a huge intention-setting ritual as the month begins — the eclipse will change your life for the better all on its own. All you have to do is be present and open to the process. 

One week later, on the 9th, Jupiter, the planet of abundance, begins its four-and-a-half-month retrograde in Gemini. Then on October 11, Pluto, the planet of transformation, shifts direct in Capricorn for the final time in our lifetimes. This Gemini-Capricorn energetic contrast means that in October we’ll vacillate between wanting to retreat into our own worlds and wanting to emerge with precision, discipline and purpose. Mercury’s presence in Libra until October 13 will help us find a healthy equilibrium. 

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The second half of the month becomes more passionate, fiery and action-oriented. Mercury will be in Scorpio, Venus will enter Sag on the 17th and the Aries full moon (the first lunation in a month that’s not an eclipse) also strikes on the 17th at 7:26 a.m., starting a new full moon cycle since Aries is the first sign of the zodiac. Our love and social lives will get hotter and more dramatic under this full moon’s energy, so we should do our best to not let our ego-led selves impulsively burn bridges that we may later seek to cross. 

The sun enters Scorpio on October 22 at 6:13 p.m., infusing the cosmos with great depth, mystery and sensuality over the course of the next four weeks. What was once hidden will come to light in this post-eclipse era so as Scorpio moon Bob Marley once said, “Before pointing fingers, make sure your hands are clean.

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Aries Sun & Rising:

Aries, the solar eclipse in Libra on October 2 supercharges your closest relationships with dynamic new moon energy. Don’t be surprised if you feel the urge to suddenly switch up on your romantic or creative partner(s). However, since your ruler Mars remains in Cancer until November 3, you’re encouraged to pace yourself when decision-making and trust your intuitive guidance. 

Jupiter begins its retrograde in Gemini on the 9th, activating your sector of communication. You may feel more reserved these next four-and-a-half months but just because you aren’t as talkative externally, doesn’t mean thoughts won’t be running through your mind internally — quite the opposite. Your mind will be filled with visions that you want to bring to life, and Pluto’s shift direct in Capricorn on the 11th can give you the self-discipline to follow through on long-term initiatives. 

The full moon in your sign on October 17 is the highlight of the month for you as it activates your sector of self and identity. You’ll notice yourself shedding old and outdated beliefs about yourself and what you’re meant to offer to the world. This will help you enter Scorpio season feeling spiritually and financially empowered, which could lead to the end of October being the most soulful and sexually satisfying week you’ve experienced so far this year. Ooh la la! 

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Taurus Sun & Rising:

Taurus, the Libra solar eclipse on October 2 activates your sector of health, routine and service. Since both you and Libra are ruled by Venus, the planet of love, this eclipse will be Venusian in nature and you’ll be open to the changes coming forth in your life, even if Uranus’ retrograde in your sign is making you more restless and uncertain than you feel comfortable with. 

On the 9th, Jupiter begins its four-month retrograde in Gemini in your security sector, further amplifying some of your fears or insecurities. Fortunately, with Pluto shifting direct in your fellow Earth sign of Capricorn on October 11, you’re likely to find solid ground through choosing to trust the process and play the long game rather than immediately seeking all the rewards.              

The Aries full moon on the 17th lights up your spirituality and healing sector, and since Chiron, the asteroid that represents our inner wounds, is retrograde in that sector of your chart, chances are that some pain points from the past six months will surface in your life around this time, asking to be healed. Face them head-on, and then use the sun’s entrance into Scorpio on the 22nd to transmute pain into power, ideally with the help of your most intimate connections. You don’t have to heal alone.

Gemini Sun & Rising:

Gemini, as the month begins, the Libra solar eclipse activates your sector of fate, true love, adventure and youth. The next six months will bring a vibrant rebirth in this area of your life. If you’ve felt like things have been stagnant and uninspiring, this is the month where you rediscover your joie de vivre and allow yourself to dream beyond your current circumstances. Much of this has to do with Jupiter’s retrograde beginning in your sign on the 9th, inviting you to turn inward for answers. Say no to external stimulations and distractions, and turn up the volume on your own intuitive guidance. 

With Pluto shifting direct in Capricorn on the 11th, your sector of depth, outside resources and merging is activated. Pluto remains in Capricorn in this area of your life until November 19, meaning October and most of November are about soulmate relationships — not only romantically but also financially and professionally. This is an ideal month for pitching yourself to investors, applying for grants, loans or scholarships, or creating a wealth management plan that you can be accountable for. 

The Aries full moon on the 17th lights up your sector of friendship and social networks. You may decide to revamp your social media profiles, and it’s also possible that this full moon will illuminate who your true friends are while cautioning you to keep a safe distance from frenemies. 

Once Scorpio season begins on the 23rd, the sun will be in your service sector and Venus will be in Sag, lighting up your partnership sector for four weeks. Make sure that you’re setting healthy boundaries with your partners so that they don’t take advantage of your generous nature. 

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Cancer Sun & Rising:

Cancer, nothing about your life, or about yourself, will feel the same by the time this month ends. This is largely due to the fact that we’re experiencing the final solar eclipse of the year. As a water sign ruled by the moon, you’ll feel the influences of eclipse season much more strongly than most. Eclipses bring unexpected yet necessary change. The Libra eclipse on the 2nd is a positive yet challenging one as it’s occurring during the South Node’s final months in Libra. 

But this month’s eclipse squares off (creates astrological tension) with your Cancer nature so you may be resistant to the transformations coming forth in your life, particularly once Jupiter begins its retrograde in Gemini on the 9th. This retrograde activates your sector of spirituality, closure and healing, encouraging you to be honest about recurring wounds or trauma that you should work on healing these next four months. Pluto’s shift direct in Capricorn on the 11th helps precipitate this process by highlighting who your ride-or-dies are — make sure to lean on them for support instead of trying to manage your healing journey solo. You are not alone. 

The Aries full moon on the 17th and the start of Scorpio season on the 17th ushers in passion and dynamic energy to your professional and love life, which could lead to a serendipitous connection manifesting in your life these next four weeks. Now is the time to be more driven and passionate about what and who you really want to call into your life.

Leo Sun & Rising:

Leo, this month begins with the solar eclipse in Libra on October 2, which will highlight your communication sector and help you step into a more carefree era where you don’t overthink what you want to say — you just let it flow harmoniously and consistently, and those who are meant to hear and understand your words will. With Jupiter beginning its retrograde in your sector of tech and social networks on the 9th, you may decide to return to a previous platform or form of communication that worked well for you in the past, such as a newsletter, a podcast or blog. 

Then on the 11th, Pluto’s shift direct in Capricorn in your sector of wellness and routine helps get you out of a rut at work and inspires you to create a game plan for what you want to achieve between now and November 19, when Pluto will re-enter Aquarius for the next 20 years. Use the Aries full moon on the 13th to step into entrepreneurial mode — even if you’re not an entrepreneur. View your life as your business that you choose how you’d like to manage. 

The start of Scorpio season on the 22nd brings a grounding energy to your life as your sector of home and roots is activated for the next four weeks. Fortunately, Venus’ presence in Sag starting the 17th allows you to not take yourself or your family members too seriously during this season as it lights up your sector of play, fun, true love and creativity. Dedicate time to both flirting and defining your core values as the month comes to an end. 

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Virgo Sun & Rising:

Virgo, the solar eclipse in Libra on October 2 is activating your sector of money and security. This kick-starts a six-month chapter of rebirth in these areas of your life. 

Chances are you’ve been way too hard on yourself these past few months, particularly due to Mercury’s extended stay in your sign. But now that Mercury is in Libra (and then will enter Scorpio on the 13th), you’re able to speak to yourself with greater self-love and self-respect, and this leads to everyone around you treating you with more love, admiration and respect, too. A win-win situation! 

With Jupiter retrograde beginning in your fellow Mercury-ruled sign of Gemini on the 9th, your career sector may go through sudden reversals and you may initially feel like you’re running out of luck — this is an illusion. The cosmos simply wants you to re-evaluate where you tend to spend your energy and why. Pluto’s shift direct in Capricorn on the 11th is the ideal opportunity to better structure your priorities and make sure you’re not overcompensating or letting your workaholic tendencies lead. 

The start of Scorpio season on the 22nd helps you tap into your intuition over reason when it comes to the way you communicate. You’re no longer tolerating situations or relationships that feel imbalanced or that lack reciprocity. Scorpio season, combined with Venus in Sag in your sector of roots and values, will help you set the necessary boundaries to make sure you protect your peace. 

Libra Sun & Rising:

It’s all about you this month, Libra! A phenomenal new moon solar eclipse occurs in your sign on October 2, continuing the repeated lessons that you’ve been learning from the Libra-Aries eclipse axis these past two years. Eclipses can be intense to navigate but solar eclipses tend to be kinder than lunar eclipses, meaning you’re likely to experience your fair share of blessings during your birthday season, particularly when you least expect it. Everything about you is evolving for the better. 

Meditation will be your best friend this eclipse season, especially in the days directly before and after the Libra eclipse strikes in your sign. Jupiter’s retrograde in Gemini begins on the 9th, helping you think back to where you were in October 2023. Whatever story was playing out in your life around that time is likely to come full circle this month, and a brand-new chapter will open up for you within six months of this eclipse. 

Pluto’s shift direct in Capricorn on the 11th squares off (creates astrological friction) with your sign, which could lead to you feeling like the universe is forcing you to get your life together and stop procrastinating. You are the only person standing in your way so Pluto’s final stretch in Capricorn will awaken you to what must be done for you to reach your long-term goals. Once Scorpio season begins on the 22nd, and your ruler Venus spends time in Sagittarius, your sectors of money and communication will be activated, helping you use your creative gifts to grow wealth. 

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Scorpio Sun & Rising:

We’ve made it to your birthday season, Scorpio! Before we get there, the Libra solar eclipse on the 2nd activates your sector of healing, spirituality and closure. If you’ve been doing the work to drop the dead weight and let go of toxic ties during the Pisces lunar eclipse, then this solar eclipse will feel purifying and lighter than eclipses from years past. But if you’ve been resisting the changes the cosmos is sending your way, you may feel like you’re going through an intense ego death. 

Jupiter’s retrograde in Gemini begins October 9 in your sector of merging, outside resources and intimacy. Do your best to apply for anything money- or partnership-related during the first week of October — the eclipse’s energy will help you intuitively discern which opportunities are meant for you. Once Jupiter retrogrades, you may feel like it’s taking you longer to manifest the right collaborations or wealth-building opportunities. 

Pluto’s shift direct in Capricorn on the 11th encourages you to solidify a game plan for your creative and professional ventures so if you were previously stuck in a rut or feeling down on yourself, expect to suddenly feel a greater sense of purpose and self-discipline between now and November 19. 

Once the sun shifts into your sign on the 22nd, the spotlight turns to you and you’re encouraged to be more selfish with your energy. Only do what lights you up and only spend time with people who bring you joy. Say no to everything else.

Sagittarius Sun & Rising:

Sag, the Libra solar eclipse on October 2 activates your sector of friendship, tech and social networks. You may find a completely new friend group within the next six months, mainly because you may have been outgrowing your previous friendships these past two years. With your ruler Jupiter also going retrograde in Gemini (in your partnership sector) on the 9th, chances are that your romantic connections may also have their share of plot twists so do your best to keep your cool, even if you get caught off guard by how people react to your metamorphosis. 

Pluto shifts direct in Capricorn on the 11th in your sector of money, so if things have been tight for you financially, expect to have a considerable amount of relief as Pluto rounds out its stay in Capricorn. This is definitely the month to create a budget for Q4 that you can hold yourself accountable for. Finding the right money mentor or joining a wealth-building community is also advised under this transit. 

Venus enters your sign on the same day that the Aries full moon strikes and this is the “lights, camera, action” energy you’ve been waiting for. You’re coming alive in this final quarter of the year. Venus’ four-week transit through your sign will make you more magnetic, approachable and relatable than usual, so if you have a project to pitch or a creative endeavor to launch, do so in the second half of October. 

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Capricorn Sun & Rising:

Capricorn, the solar eclipse in Libra is activating your career sector and since Libra energy squares off (creates astrological friction) with your Capricorn nature, chances are that the shifts happening professionally may throw you considerably out of your comfort zone. So much is changing — you may decide to quit your job, explore entrepreneurship, take on a new job or evaluate your relationship with work entirely — and you may need to take a breather at the start of the month to integrate these shifts. 

Fortunately, with Jupiter beginning its retrograde in Gemini on the 9th, your sector of wellness and service is activated for the next four months. You’re encouraged to explore previous pursuits that helped maintain your mental and physical health. Meditation, Pilates, breathwork, frequent walks outdoors — anything that gets you out of your head and into your body will help you flow through life’s plot twists. And once Pluto ends its retrograde in your sign for the final time in our lifetime on the 11th, you’ll feel like a superhero that’s risen from their ashes and is ready to soar. 

The Aries full moon on the 17th may bring up some challenges or priorities in your domestic sector that must be dealt with. Themes of renovating, relocating, downsizing, preparing for a new addition to the family or deciding what home even means to you are likely to emerge with this lunation, and Venus’ entrance into Sag can help you maintain a positive state of mind even if you’re feeling restless or anxious. It’s going to be okay, Capricorn. All will be well. 

Aquarius Sun & Rising:

Aquarius, the Libra eclipse at the start of the month is in your sector of expansion, long-distance travel and media, so if you’ve been wanting to publish a work of art, take part in public speaking, go back to school, launch your own course or explore innovative ways to switch up the status quo, this eclipse will kick you into action and inspire you to dream beyond your current circumstances. But with Jupiter’s retrograde in Gemini starting one week later, make sure to pace yourself when starting any new projects, and triple-check your work for errors. Quality over quantity. 

Pluto’s shift direct in Capricorn on the 11th further accentuates your need for pacing yourself and slowing down, as it highlights your sector of closure and spirituality, reminding you that wealth manifests in a variety of ways, mainly through how present you are with your loved ones, and how much gratitude you have for being alive. 

With Venus entering Sag on the same day as the Aries full moon, your sectors of friendship and communication are activated, so if you’ve been meaning to keep it real with a past, current or potential friend (or alternatively, if you’ve been wanting to call out the frenemies in your life), the second half of October provides you with the cosmic push to speak your truth boldly and directly. Just make sure you do so respectfully, because everyone’s feeling a bit more sensitive due to Mars’ transit in Cancer. 

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Pisces Sun & Rising:

Pisces, the Libra new moon solar eclipse strikes on October 2 in your sector of depth, merging and outside resources. You’ll be able to see through people like an X-ray, in a way that may initially make them uncomfortable. This eclipse encourages you to face the truth instead of solely judging others — make sure you’re showing up as the friend, lover, coworker and comrade you’d like to receive. Speaking of receiving, get ready to receive a financial windfall that will help you grow generational wealth within six months of this eclipse. 

Your ruler Jupiter begins its retrograde in Gemini on the 9th and this leads to you feeling an urge to remain close to home, or to heal some recurring wounds connected to your childhood. Since Gemini is all about inner child energy, this retrograde can be a softer experience for you if you commit to doing activities and saying yes to experiences that your inner child has been yearning for. Going for a bike ride, painting, playing dress-up, taking an improv class… With Neptune in its final degrees in your sign, liberate yourself through creative self-expression. 

Pluto’s shift direct in Capricorn on the 11th helps stabilize your friendships after a period of upheaval, and once the Aries full moon strikes on the 17th, you’ll feel greater self-confidence, which will lead to a boost in your finances and your earning potential. And finally, the sun’s shift into Scorpio on the 22nd brings more soulful and romantic energy into your life, helping you end the month on a passionate and erotic note. 

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