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12 Diabetes Symptoms You’re Probably Ignoring

Diabetes often creeps up quietly, masking its symptoms in plain sight, and many of us might not even notice. Shockingly, in 2017, about 50% of people with diabetes globally didn’t know they had it, especially in poorer areas where healthcare is limited

Why should this alarm you? Spotting diabetes early can mean the difference between a manageable condition and serious health complications down the road. 

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Are you often thirsty, feeling more tired than usual, or finding that cuts don’t heal as quickly? These could be your body waving a red flag. 

We explore 13 diabetes symptoms in this article that are important to notice but can be easily overlooked.

1. Increased Thirst and Frequent Urination

Ever feel like no matter how much water you drink, you’re still thirsty? And you’re running to the bathroom all the time? This might be your body’s way of trying to get rid of extra sugar in your blood. When sugar levels rise, your kidneys go into overdrive to flush it out, which makes you dehydrated and thirsty. Greater thirst and frequent urination were recognized by over 65% of individuals as signs of diabetes .

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2. Blurred Vision

Too much sugar in your bloodstream can make the lenses in your eyes swell, changing how well you can see. It’s not just about needing glasses—it could be a warning from your body.

3. Slow Healing of Cuts and Bruises

If your blood sugar is high, your body’s repair system slows. So, if you see that wounds linger longer than they should, it’s a good tip-off that your sugar might be too high.

4. Tingling or Numbness in the Hands or Feet

What if your hands or feet start feeling like they’re asleep, with pins and needles? That weird feeling can be due to nerve damage from high sugar levels. It’s one of the early signs your nerves are hurt by too much sugar.

5. Fatigue and Lack of Energy

Do you feel tired all the time, even if you’re getting good sleep? When your body can’t use sugar properly for energy, it leaves you feeling exhausted. It’s like having a full gas tank but a car that won’t start.

6. Increased Hunger

When you feel hungry after eating, it’s frustrating! If your body can’t get energy from sugar in your blood, it thinks it’s not getting enough food, making you want to eat more.

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7. Unexplained Weight Loss

Losing weight might sound good, but if it happens when you’re not trying, it can be a sign of trouble. With diabetes, your body might start burning fat and muscle for energy instead of using the sugar you eat.

8. Dry, Itchy Skin

Does your skin feel like it’s always dry and itchy, no matter how much lotion you use? When there’s too much sugar in your blood, it can suck moisture from your skin, leaving it dry. This can lead to itching and irritation. Consider your skin to be a sponge that dries out when exposed to excessive sugar.

9. Slow-healing sores or Infections

Noticed that scratches or cuts are taking a long time to heal? Diabetes can make it difficult for your body to fight off germs, causing wounds to heal slowly. It’s like your body’s repair kit isn’t working as fast as it should.

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10. Yeast Infections

If you have frequent yeast infections, you may be consuming too much sugar, which feeds the yeast, allowing it to grow. This is especially a problem for women and can be uncomfortable.

11. Darkened Skin in Certain Areas

Have you seen patches of your skin turning darker, especially around the neck or underarms? This can be a sign of insulin resistance, which is often linked to diabetes. It’s as if your skin is putting up a flag, saying something is off with your sugar levels.

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12. Frequent Infections

Finding yourself getting sick more often with infections like colds or the flu? Diabetes can weaken your immune system, making it easier for infections to take hold. It’s like your body’s defense team is not as strong as it needs to be.

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