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Very Specific Relationship Problems Are Predicted For 3 Zodiac Signs Between Now And October 6

The week of September 30 to October 6 brings some specific relationship problems for three zodiac signs. Love often requires difficult decisions, whether it’s leaving behind an ex, instilling better boundaries, or even consciously choosing to show up differently for a relationship you want to keep. But these challenging decisions are really opportunities to demonstrate just how much you’ve learned and grown. 

On Saturday, October 5, just days after the Solar Eclipse and New Moon in Libra, a challenging transit will require you to cut away what is no longer working and choose the love you have always deserved. Mercury in Libra will square off with Mars in Cancer initiating a wave of energy that will make you feel empowered and determined to sever ties with anything or anyone that has been holding you back. 

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While this will ultimately help you to achieve a healthier relationship, it doesn’t mean that it’s easy. It’s also important to remember that you might feel so determined to remove what isn’t working from your life that you go overboard, freezing people out, distancing yourself from loving partners or meaningful friendships. Try to practice moderation, and while you may be guided to create a separation from your relationship in the week ahead, make sure that you aren’t removing something (or someone) truly meaningful.

The three zodiac signs who see specific relationship problems the week of September 30 to October 6, 2024

1. Aries

Aries, the universe supports you having a new beginning in your romantic life, but first you may need to make a difficult decision. This has been a year of transformation in which the landscape of your life and romantic relationship has shifted dramatically. But as much as has already changed, there is still more to do in order to bring you to your destiny. The Libra New Moon and Solar Eclipse on October 2 represents both the ending of a cycle as well as the hope of a new and healthy beginning — but on Saturday, October 5, as Mercury in Libra squares off with Mars in Cancer, it may feel more challenging to make tough decisions in love.

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Mercury in Libra and Mars in Cancer affect two of the most critical areas of your life, your romantic relationship and your family or home life. These areas have also been a source of major focus and energy for the last year as you have navigated the unexpected. But you do need to be mindful of your choices and make sure that whatever you choose to remove is truly in the best interest of the life that you hope to manifest. This decision will almost feel like an ultimatum between your romantic desires and likely the obligations or responsibilities of home, which may include family members or even children. 

You do have the ability to make a choice that supports continued connection in both areas of your life, but you need to make sure you are honoring your truth in the process. This means making sure you’re not sacrificing your romantic desires because it feels like you don’t have the time or space, or even cutting off those that are meaningful to you because of a relationship. Be mindful of your choices and try to see the possibilities of what you can create rather than only feeling limited by the challenges, otherwise you just may go back to that inner story that you can’t have the love you’ve always desired.

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2. Pisces

You must honor yourself, Pisces, but still remain open and flexible for what the universe brings into your life. You have built yourself a little safety net of peace where it has been more comfortable tending to yourself and your life than trying to create space for anyone else, romantically at least. But while this has felt comfortable, there has been a part of you that has been shut down recently as you go through a phase of cocooning. While this has all been part of you focusing more on yourself and your dreams, you also need to make sure you are honoring all of your needs and not just the ones that you have control over. This is especially true in terms of romantic relationships as you are still learning how to remain committed to yourself and also form the partnership that you crave. While this is always a lesson the universe will guide you through, you need to make sure that you aren’t closing yourself off from love just because you’ve gotten comfortable in your own routine.

On Saturday, October 5, Mercury in Libra will square off with Mars in Cancer, creating a trigger for you to either take a risk on love, or once again run away from the fear of change. Mercury in Libra will be bringing in romantic offers, however you will also be shown the ways that your current life may have to change because of that. At the same time, Mars is motivated in Cancer to have you happy, in love, and experiencing joy, but it seems that as much as you want this new beginning, you may also run away from it as well. 

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Remember, you are empowered to ask to go slow, or even take baby steps if needed, but you don’t want to turn your back on love simply because you’ve been hurt before. You have found yourself recently and can rest assured that you won’t lose yourself again, but if you don’t take this chance, you may just find that you have missed out on a great love.

3. Gemini

Gemini, there has been a great focus recently on your close relationship, home and even matters of family. This energy has allowed you to merge lives with your partner, or you even may be expecting during this time. You are finally seeing the results of everything that you’ve ever wanted, and so you are also concerned about sabotaging it. Part of you being able to receive the goodness that does currently surround you is remembering that you are worth it. You don’t need chaos or drama in your relationship in order to feel excited, and you don’t need to experience loss in one area of your life in order to feel connected in another. Returning to your worth and being open to receive will be especially important as Mercury in Libra squares off with Mars in Cancer on Saturday, October 5, otherwise you may end up sabotaging a relationship that you’ve spent a great deal of time building.

As the energy of Mercury and Mars begins to filter into your life, you could feel triggered by suddenly realizing you have so much of the personal success and love that you have always wanted, but you miss the old goals that you had for riches and fame and start to blame your partner for what you haven’t achieved. This could build until you either suddenly breakup or even kick them out if you have been living together. 

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Honestly Gemini, it doesn’t seem that your partner is clipping your wings in any way and you have actively created all that you currently have. Just because you’re now wishing for something different doesn’t mean you need to destroy everything you’ve worked for. Try taking accountability for yourself and your life, but also don’t sell yourself short. Just because you now have the personal success you’ve always wanted doesn’t mean you can’t refocus on the financial and professional – you just want to make sure you’re not sabotaging what you have always deserved.

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