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Daily horoscope today: September 26, 2024 astrological predictions for your star sign

When Mercury moves into Libra everything changes. No more haze, no more doubts.

Aries is feeling social and free, Taurus, learns that when you work hard you get to play hard too.

Virgo, if you want to take advantage of this change, there’s no better place to start than at home.

Ahead, you’ll find all the star signs’ horoscopes for today: Thursday September 26, 2024.

Also Read- Daily horoscope today: September 25, 2024 astrological predictions for your star sign


March 21 to April 20

As convivial Mercury moves into easy-going Libra, you’ll enjoy the give and take of being around others. This trend can be good for relationships and your social life, and great for collaborating and teamwork. Still, with this lively planet still linking to Pluto, there’s potential for an attraction to someone who has very different values to you – and you may find them intense.


April 21 to May 21

With the emphasis on work and play you’ll need to apply a little discipline to get things done. This is a good time to get organised and streamline your affairs, as it will help you to make progress on your goals. Don’t jump into the biggest projects first. Find a balance between your various activities that allows you to meet commitments, indulge a little and still make positive strides.

Also Read– Horoscope For Each Zodiac Sign On September 24, 2024 — Mercury Trines Uranus


May 22 to June 21

It’s all change today, as savvy Mercury your guide planet, moves into Libra, encouraging you to engage your mind and enjoy stimulating and challenging activities and especially if there’s a competitive edge involved. This might even extend to romance, as you’ll turn up the charm if it seems that a rival is making a better impression than you. Someone may also surprise you.


June 22 to July 23

Life takes on a personal and homely quality, which can see you spending more time with family, working on domestic projects and enjoying some relaxation. As Mercury glides into Libra, it could set the stage for homely gatherings and entertaining. You’ll get great enjoyment from surfing the Net and looking through magazines for ideas to redecorate your place just as you want it.

Read More:- Your Daily Horoscope: Monday, September 23, 2024


July 24 to August 23

Mercury’s move into Libra ushers in a lively phase. You’ll be eager to network, engage with friends and family and become better acquainted with developments in your local area. Keen to launch a blog or website or enhance your presence on social media? The coming weeks can see you making a start. Yet you may find it harder to make binding decisions, and this could hold you back.


August 24 to September 23

When the things you own become unwanted and neglected, it may be best to sell them or give them away so someone else can make use of them. Hanging onto them not only fills up every available space in the home, but could seem to create blockages in other areas of life too. As Mercury moves into your sector of resources, it can be the perfect time to declutter and sell unwanted stuff.

Also Read Horoscopes and Lucky Numbers for today, Sunday 22 September 2024


September 24 to October 23

Talk and thought Mercury arrives in Libra and, and you’ll enjoy its spark. It’s the perfect time to share your ideas and speak up about what truly matters to you. While you’re naturally diplomatic, this transit encourages you to remind others that you have needs too, and you can’t always be the one to compromise. It’s time to assert yourself with charm, while balancing fairness with honesty.


October 24 to November 22

Mercury’s entrance into Libra can be a time of reflection and a chance to get in touch with your deeper feelings. Need insight on an issue? Inspiration may come when you still the mind and allow ideas to bubble up. Still, its angle with Pluto in your communication zone, means you might take exception to something someone says. It’s best to let it go, as arguing might make matters worse.

Also Read– Your Weekly Horoscopes: September 22 to 28, 2024


November 23 to December 21

The cosmos encourages you out and about, as sociable Mercury zips into Libra and your friendship zone. The weeks ahead bring options for interesting encounters and a chance to mingle with those on your wavelength. You’ll also be enthused about your long-term plans and ready to do something about them. Need information? It’s a good time to research your options.  


December 22 to January 21

Dealmaker Mercury steps into Libra, so it’s time to get your message out to the world. Whether through conversations, networking or enhancing your social media presence, now’s the moment to share your thoughts and connect with like-minded individuals. Mingle with those who share your goals and ambitions, and you might discover new opportunities to collaborate and grow.

Also Read– Horoscopes and Lucky Numbers for today, Friday 20 September 2024


January 22 to February 19

The desire to travel and study may be ramped-up, as quicksilver Mercury moves into a far-reaching zone. If you have big plans for the future and need new skills or a qualification, this is a good time to sign up to a course or class. Have intense issues going on? Having Pluto in the mix can help you take a step back and see it from a fresh perspective. A shift in mindset could help you resolve it.


February 20 to March 20

As thoughtful Mercury moves into a transformational zone, you may feel like keeping certain matters to yourself. If something is constantly on your mind, a coffee and a chat with a friend could leave you feeling relieved and at peace. Plus, the coming weeks can be a time of closure regarding one awkward issue, as long as you’re willing to let it go. Hanging on likely won’t help.

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