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The August New Moon Will Be Impactful for These 2 Zodiac Signs

The heart of winter is approaching and August’s astrology is heating up quickly, as this year’s fiery new moon in Leo rises on the morning of August 4.

The bold and starry energy of Leo season is igniting everyone’s confidence, so this new moon is a great time for all zodiac signs to stock up on a bit more self-love and pursue their goals with passion.

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But some zodiac members will feel the August new moon with extra intensity — and for them, this may be one of the most important times to manifest for the rest of winter.

This new moon brings together the luminaries in the sociable and kind sign of Leo, infusing the cosmic landscape with a sense of playfulness, empowerment, and pride in one’s achievements. Thanks to some helpful planetary connections with the driven Mars and the lucky Jupiter, it will be an energizing time to pursue the passions of your heart and prioritize the things that make you feel more like yourself. The spotlight is yours to enjoy, so don’t shy away from the brilliant opportunities you can create during this special lunar alignment.

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However, there is also intensity at play, as the debut retrograde period of Mercury for winter starts less than 24 hours after the new moon. These twists are notorious for stirring up communication conflicts, scheduling issues, and more — making it even more crucial for some zodiac signs to squeeze in a moment of manifestation before August’s astrological vibes get confusing.

Continue reading to find out if you are one of the most affected signs by the August 4 new moon and how to make it work in your favor.

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Gemini (May 21 – June 20)

The August new moon is a big deal for you, Gemini, and it’s happening in your communication sector. This isn’t necessarily one of the most sensitive parts of your chart, but it’s still exciting — as this creative lunation can help you generate many new and exciting ideas and express yourself with more confidence. As a communicative and intellectual Gemini, this realm of your life is an important part of how you interact with the world, so having such a bold and fresh start in this area can open doors.

However, it’s likely that this lunation will have a tangible impact on you because action-oriented Mars and higher-minded Jupiter are in your sign right now, and both planets will be forming a super favorable aspect to the new moon. Thanks to these helpful cosmic connections, any goals you set for yourself now are infused with an extra boost of energy and optimism, making it easier to keep the momentum — even with your ruling planet Mercury stationing retrograde later that night.

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Leo (July 23 – August 22)

This lunation finds the sun — your cosmic ruler — joining the moon in your sign, so naturally, you’ll feel the power of this cosmic moment more intensely than most people. And that’s a good thing because this new moon is one of the best manifestation times of the winter. It’s being supported by some sweet sextile aspects from both driven Mars and lucky Jupiter, so you’ll feel especially confident, creative, and optimistic about your ability to fulfill your own desires. Leos are made to shine, and this new moon is the perfect reminder of why you have every right to bask in the spotlight.

It’s also important that you capitalize on this lunar burst of energy and enthusiasm, as Mercury retrograde begins just after the new moon peaks, and this backspin will continue throughout the rest of Leo season. The retrograde will also return to your sign in mid-month, mixing up your signals in an even more tangible way — so use the clarity and creative juice of this moon to pin your ideas to the wall before mental issues become confusing.

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