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Weekly Horoscope: July 1–7, 2024


It’s like the stars are trying to match this week’s exciting holiday vibe, with several planetary pairings popping off and creating some serious emotional and mental fireworks!

On Tuesday, it’s time to wake up and face reality as dreamy Neptune (the planet with the big imagination) goes retrograde while in sensitive Pisces and reminds you to stay alert and watch out for red (white and blue?) flags. It’s fun to be blissfully unaware sometimes but ignoring certain signs for the next several months can blow up in your face.

Read More:- The Daily Horoscope For Each Zodiac Sign On June 30, 2024

Later on Tuesday, chatty Mercury (the cosmic communicator) pairs up with firecracker Leo, so get ready for some loud drama! There’s nothing subtle about this cosmic duo, which can really boost your confidence. If you’re going to be a guest at any parties/barbecues/get-togethers this week, this rizz-filled Leo transit helps you thrive in social settings as you entertain people with your warmth, generosity and playfulness.

Friday’s new moon (representing what comforts you) in nurturing, security-conscious Cancer helps you become an amazing host, so if you’re having a party over the weekend instead of going to one (or just want to entertain the family at home), this lunation has you covered. Honestly, family is really the main thing on your mind now, and you switch into protective mode pretty quickly. You’re the one going around making sure everyone has a drink and some food and is being safe, and you’re happy to play that role.

Also Read Your star sign’s tarot horoscope for the month of July 2024

Your Zodiac Sign’s Weekly Horoscope


Whatever you have going on this week, Aries, you’re ready to take the lead. You’re great at initiating conversations and getting activities started. Just try not to ruin the party by being ultra-competitive with casual games.


Taurus, your senses are on full blast, and you’re one of the few signs who appreciate a luxe ambiance. You love delicious food and drinks, and might just become the life of the party after a few cocktails. Lower your expectations and just have a good time!

Also Read- The Daily Horoscope For Each Zodiac Sign On June 29, 2024


You easily strike up interesting conversations with people this week, Gemini, so being in big crowds doesn’t intimidate you. As a social butterfly you’re happily flying around from group to group, but just try not to overshare personal details or gossip too much.


Cancer, even if you have a lot going on this week, you still seek out familiar faces and strive to creates a cozy atmosphere for close friends and family. You can get pretty overwhelmed by noise and crowds, so keep your get-togethers small and intimate if possible.

Read More:- Horoscopes and Lucky Numbers for today, Friday 28 June 2024


Leo, this is your week to slay! You absolutely glow in the spotlight now, telling captivating stories and making everyone laugh with your corny dad jokes. If you have one fault, it might be hogging the karaoke microphone a little too long!


Virgo, you feel like it’s your job to stand back, observe the social dynamics at play and then make sure that everyone feels included. If you’re not hosting the fun, you’re there, offering to help. Could you be more accommodating?

Read More:- Daily horoscope today: June 25, 2024 astrological predictions for your star sign


As the summer gets into full swing, Libra, you’re happy to play the role of social diplomat, making sure that everyone is having a good time and resolving any conflicts that come up. You might not be able to make everyone happy, but you’re sure gonna try!


While you’re not a big party person, Scorpio, you’re perfectly happy to sit in a corner and have deep conversations and intense flirtations with people who interest you. And while you might get caught up in a passionate debate or power struggle, you won’t hold a grudge for long. This time.

Read More:- Your July Horoscope Predicts a Wave of Summertime Sadness, Thanks to a Blue Moon


Sagittarius, one of your favorite things to do this week will be to find people to have interesting philosophical debates and deep conversations with. You’re into showing off your knowledge and opinions, as well as learning from others. You’re like a sponge, soaking it all up!


Even when you’re supposed to be relaxing and having a good time off the clock, you still find a way to network this week. Most introductions and guest lists you make now are strategic, Capricorn, with the intent of making connections that could benefit your career or social standing. You do you.

Read More:- The Daily Horoscope For Each Zodiac Sign On June 22, 2024


You’re quite social this week, Aquarius, but you like to observe the festivities from a detached perspective. Your witty commentary and insightful observations are extremely entertaining but also slightly aloof. Do you mean to give off the vibe that you’re slightly better than everyone else?!


Pisces, you won’t know how you’re going to act in social situations this week until you get there and read the overall vibe, and that’s okay. If the energy is lowkey and mellow, you feel comfy and can talk to people without getting anxious. If things are loud and overwhelming, you might retreat to a quiet corner and get introspective. And you can honestly have a good time either way.

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