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Your Horoscope This Week: June 16 To 22


As Gemini Season comes to a close this week, all zodiac signs would benefit from reflecting on their communication patterns these past four weeks. Having a stellium of planets in the third air sign of the zodiac has most likely felt overstimulating for several of us (especially for those of us who don’t have that much air energy in our birth charts). Fortunately, Mars’ presence in Taurus in the next five weeks is helping us feel more purposeful and grounded regarding where we direct our energy and why. 

Read More:- The Daily Horoscope For Each Zodiac Sign On June 16, 2024

Use these final days of Gemini Season to reflect on ways you can better express what’s been bugging you lately, without pointing the finger at someone and blaming them. Instead, become a mirror for your own self and recognize moments when you’ve tolerated behavior that you should’ve sternly shut down. This week’s Capricorn full moon on the 21st is the perfect occasion to set firm boundaries and make sure people know where you stand. 

Having Mercury and Venus both enter Cancer on the 17th, followed by the start of the solstice and Cancer Season on the 20th, infuses the cosmos with more compassionate and loving energy, which we should direct toward our own selves first and foremost. Make a vow to speak to yourself with greater empathy and kindness rather than being tough on yourself for not getting it all “right.” We’re on Earth to evolve, grow, and learn, so give yourself grace as you do so.

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Aries Sun & Rising:

Aries, the final days of Gemini Season are all about making sure your creative muscles are being properly used. You may start off the week feeling restless and mentally scattered, and once both Venus and Mercury enter Cancer on the 17th, you may have to tend to family drama or unexpected plot twists in your home base which could leave you quite unsettled. Allow yourself to feel whatever frustrations emerge in the first half of the week without denying these emotions. 

Once the solstice strikes on the 20th, followed by the Capricorn full moon lighting up the skies on the 21st, you may once again be asked to confront your fears and not allow them to dominate your consciousness. It would be wise to take part in a full moon ritual, such as writing down your inner blockages and burying them in earth, giving them permission to symbolically decompose and be reborn into something new — the type of energy that will serve and uplift you rather than drain you. Use this full moon week to become the alchemist of your own life. 

Read More:- Horoscope For Each Zodiac Sign On June 14 — The Moon Enters Libra

Taurus Sun & Rising:

Taurus, Mars’ presence in your sign these next five weeks significantly increases your magnetism and your power to attract what you want in your life. But it also increases your stubborn and temperamental side, which could lead to you snapping at people whenever things don’t go your way or when you’re losing your patience. The final days of Gemini Season may particularly feel intense to navigate, particularly if you still have a lengthy to-do list to complete. If you can, focus on simplifying and eliminating tasks and responsibilities so that you have less on your plate. 

The reason why it’s important that you do so is because Cancer Season begins on the 20th, three days after your ruler Venus joins Mercury and enters the sign of Cancer. When you combine this Cancer stellium with the Capricorn full moon that strikes on the 21st, the universe is sending you a clear message: it’s time that you consistently do less, not more. Commit to infusing your life with greater pleasure and fewer burdens. This means being aware of what you tend to do on a daily basis and being brave enough to make strategic shifts.

Read More:- Today’s horoscope: Free daily horoscope for Wednesday, June 12, 2024

Gemini Sun & Rising:

Gemini, your birthday season has been a whirlwind due to Jupiter’s entrance in your sign on May 25. You may be under the impression that everything you touch or focus on is rapidly expanding — this includes your fears and your worries, as well as your joys and successes. Use the final days of the sun’s presence in your sign to narrow down what your heart feels most called to explore, and who your heart feels most drawn to on an instinctive level. 

Having that clarity is key, because once Cancer Season begins on the 20th (joining your planetary ruler Mercury and the planet of love, Venus, who will both enter Cancer on the 17th), your sector of money and self-esteem is activated, indicating that the more aligned you are with your intuitive desires, the more prosperity you’ll attract and the more confident you’ll feel. Now is the time to shoot your shot and go after the dreams that have been percolating in the back of your mind for most of the year. 

Read More:- Today’s horoscope: Free daily horoscope for Tuesday, June 11, 2024

Cancer Sun & Rising:

Cancer, we’ve made it to your birthday season, which begins on the 20th of this month. Happy solar return! All week long you’ll also be feeling the energy of the Capricorn full moon. It officially strikes on the 21st but you will feel it as early as the beginning of the week because you’re ruled by the moon. Stay hydrated and well rested in the four days before the full moon because you’re extra sensitive to the solstice as it represents complete renewal of the seasons around and within you. 

Your partnerships become more of a priority for you this week, especially if you’ve been struggling with unhealthy relationship patterns that you know you need to cut off. The Capricorn full moon is encouraging you to get clear about moments when your own passive-aggressive tendencies caused conflict or disarray in your closest connections. What would it look and feel like for you to more transparently express your likes and dislikes, and set boundaries when necessary so that you don’t feel taken advantage of? Reflect on that this week. 

Read More:- Daily horoscope today: June 10, 2024 astrological predictions for your star sign

Leo Sun & Rising:

Leo, the final days of Gemini Season are all about celebrating the friendships that make you feel whole. Take a break from the hustle and bustle of life if you can, and go on a road trip, have a slumber party, play hooky from work, and just let yourself have more fun with people who don’t judge you, but who uplift you. Having Jupiter in Gemini at the same time will also motivate you to remain optimistic about who you can attract in your social networks this next year — if you’ve been meaning to make new friends, this is the time to call them in. Just get clear on what your values around friendship are. 

The Capricorn full moon on the 21st is infused with a blend of sensitive energy from the sun in Cancer, and practical vibes from the moon in Capricorn. Your sector of health, service, and routine is most stimulated by this lunation, and you may reap the rewards from the past six months of work that you’ve put into your wellness lifestyle as well as your work routine. Just make sure that you’re taking time to rest and meditate during this full moon passage. Do not overextend yourself. Listen to what your body is telling you. 

Read More:- Horoscope For Each Zodiac Sign On June 9 — The Moon Enters Leo

Virgo Sun & Rising:

Virgo, Gemini Season has been such a doozy for you as it has led to the overstimulation of your mind, and the overexertion of your body. Fortunately, on the 17th we have Mercury and Venus both entering Cancer, and this softens your approach to communication and connection. You’ll feel less anxious during this energy, and once the solstice strikes on the 20th you’ll also be more open to reflecting on ways to simplify your social life and distance yourself from people who leave you feeling confused or unsure about their intentions. 

On the 21st, the Capricorn full moon brings much needed relief to your life as it activates your sector of fun, fate, creativity, and youth. Think back to the Capricorn new moon intentions you set at the beginning of the year, Virgo. You probably wanted this year to be more fun and expansive. Check in with yourself: have you been having more fun? Have you allowed yourself to break out of your comfort zone and explore new avenues? If you haven’t done so yet, this full moon will serve as a reminder for you to prioritize doing so now. 

Read More:- Horoscope For Each Zodiac Sign On June 7 — The Moon Enters Cancer

Libra Sun & Rising:

Libra, Gemini Season has been sweet to you, as it’s activated your sector of expansion, media, long journeys, and philosophy. This has helped you spread your wings in metaphorical ways and be willing to see beyond your own perspective by putting yourself in other people’s shoes. However, it may have also led to you overly prioritizing the needs of the collective or focusing too much on the big picture rather than narrowing down your focus to ways to enhance your daily life in a consistent way. Fortunately, with Mercury and your ruler Venus both entering Cancer on the 17th, your attention shifts to your career path, and you may have an exciting vision for what’s possible for you if you reorient your energy and resources toward more practical concerns. 

The Capricorn full moon on the 21st further highlights the need to take life more seriously, as it strikes in your sector of the home, encouraging you to ground yourself in the present moment, check in with your family and loved ones, and see if there are ways you can simplify your lifestyle so that you feel rooted and ancestrally protected. Spend time around this full moon passage connecting with your spirit guides or praying to your ancestors for support and guidance during this chapter of your life. They’re here for you — you just have to call them in and listen to what they have to say. 

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Scorpio Sun & Rising:

Scorpio, Gemini Season has been energetically intense for you, as it’s activated your sector of outside resources, depth, and merging. You’ve been awakened to the people in your life who may be attempting to drain you of your energy and resources, but on the other hand, you’ve also been enlightened to those who want to pour nurturing energy and prosperous resources into your life, in order to help you thrive. Focus on the latter, and distance yourself from the former. Once Mercury, Venus and the sun all enter your fellow water sign of Cancer on the 17th and 20th respectively, you’ll be able to make more intuitive decisions regarding who to trust and which paths to take next. Pace yourself and trust yourself. 

The Capricorn full moon strikes on the 21st in your sector of communication, and it’s urging you to reflect on your own communication patterns from the past six months. What’s worked in your favor, and what has felt detrimental? Now is the time to make the necessary adjustments so that the next half of the year flows more smoothly and less dramatically than the first half. This means you have to be honest with yourself about your own inner monologue. You may need to recondition your mind to speak to itself with more sensitivity, patience, and kindness. This will manifest as a positive change in communication with the people around you as well. 

Read More:- Horoscope: What’s in Store for You June 3 – June 9, 2024?

Sagittarius Sun & Rising:

Sag, as Gemini Season comes to a close on the 20th, you’ll spend the first half of the week reflecting on who you keep around you, and why. Having your planetary ruler Jupiter in Gemini has felt fun and adventurous, but it may also be somewhat distracting due to all the different people and opportunities swarming around you. When the sun enters Cancer on the 20th and the solstice strikes, you’ll be offered the opportunity to rest, retreat from the masses, and be more introspective when it comes to defining what a true intimate bond looks and feels like to you. How much can you show up for others in the way you want them to show up for you? 

The Capricorn full moon strikes on the 21st, and this activates your sector of money and self-esteem. This lunation is one of the best moments of the year for asking for a raise or a promotion, launching new products, or creating more practical and effective strategies to boost your income streams in a consistent and reliable way. But this means you have to roll up your sleeves and actually do the work… No shortcuts allowed. 

Read More:- Your Daily Singles Horoscope for June 04, 2024

Capricorn Sun & Rising:

Capricorn, you can feel the changing tides as we emerge from the more free-spirited and unpredictable energy of Gemini Season and enter the calmer yet moodier vibes of Cancer Season this week, once the solstice strikes on the 20th. Your sector of relationships and marriage is activated by the Cancer sun for the next four weeks, so you’re advised to spend more time tending to your intimate unions rather than overworking yourself or running away from the deeper conversations. 

Your annual full moon occurs on the 21st, so if you feel more emotionally heightened around this time, your mission is to face those feels fully and get curious about what they’re here to show and teach you. Chances are, you’ll be reflecting on all the weight you’ve carried on your shoulders these past six months, without most people even noticing the strain that you’ve been holding. It’s time to release that extra weight, stress, or burdens, Capricorn. Stretching, yoga, meditating, deep breathing, crying, venting to your therapist, or screaming out into the open air are all healthy forms of letting it all out. Give yourself permission to break down so that you can break through. 

Read More:- Horoscope: What’s in Store for You June 3 – June 9, 2024?

Aquarius Sun & Rising:

Aquarius, with Pluto continuing its retrograde through your sign, and Saturn, one of your planetary rulers, preparing to begin its retrograde in Pisces at the end of the month, you’re entering this week seeking to clear the air with people who don’t really understand you or your intentions. These final days of Gemini Season are encouraging you to express yourself, but at the same time you shouldn’t feel the need to over explain or justify your feelings or recent decisions. There’s a thin line between transparency and oversharing, and it’s up to you to navigate that carefully as the sun shifts into Cancer on the 20th. 

The Capricorn full moon arrives one day later, on the 21st, and it lights up your sector of spirituality, healing, and closure. You’re not typically a very outwardly emotional person, but you’re being asked to not run away from the shadows that are emerging within you during this full moon passage, especially since your annual full moon is coming up in August, and the lessons are connected to the Capricorn full moon taking place this week. Be honest with yourself about what’s really bugging you lately. Release your fears and apprehensions so that you can feel free to experience something new. 

Pisces Sun & Rising:

Pisces, these final days of Gemini Season encourage you to spend time with family and get to know them in radically new ways. With Pluto, the Planet of Transformation, currently retrograde in Aquarius in your sector of spirituality and closure, and Saturn, the Planet of Responsibility, about to begin its retrograde in your sign on the 29th, you’re more willing to revisit themes from your childhood that may be leaving you confused. You’re feeling the urge to find closure and gain clarity regarding family secrets or enigmas that have been permeating for years, decades, or centuries in your family’s lineage. They may run, but they can’t hide from your powers of perception. 

This week’s Capricorn full moon is a great occasion to unearth what was once hidden within and around you. Your sector of connection and community is activated by this full moon, and it’ll allow you to see who you can really lean on, and who’s only out to protect their own interests. Make it your mission to get clear about what your intuition is trying to reveal to you this week, Pisces. Trust your gut instincts.

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