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What It Means When Someone Who Passed Away Appears In a Dream

Seeing the face of a loved one passed on from this life in the mind’s eye of a dream feels heavier than other dreams, too significant to be the random misfirings of neurons resetting the day’s thoughts like other dreams that can be laughed off with the morning’s light.

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Should you meet a departed loved one in a dream, it is said you should listen carefully to anything they say and try to remember it when waking (write it down immediately) because will only be able to speak truth. It is said you should only speak with them though, and never ever follow them or accept an invitation – that is how you get dragged to the other world along with them, and when the dream is over you may never awake.

Dreams are fickle, tricky, intangible things that slide through the consciousness like a fistful of water making interpreting them difficult, but it is believed they can be classified into five different types: messages, warnings, teachings, processing, and premonitions. Departed loved ones can appear in any of those types, meaning that the other aspects of the dream must be considered in context with the ghostly dream visitor.

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Another thing that shouldn’t be done, according to some dream interpreters, is asking people in dreams about the date or time which is said to lead to lead to some very unsettling things. Dreams don’t have things like time or place and questioning the thinly veiled non-reality of a dreamscape can make it collapse like a wisp of smoke in the wind. 

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