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The Benefits of Simplifying Your Life + 5 Important Tips to Make it Happen

We live in stressful times, but we need to remember that we’re still in control of our own lives. If you’ve been wondering about the benefits of simplifying your life–and just how to make it happen, keep reading for some important tips.

Think about what causes you stress on a regular basis. According to Everyday Health, what causes stress is open to interpretation. What might send one person into full-on panic mode (a messy kitchen, for example) might be the very reason another person enjoyed their day (a delicious meal shared with family).

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But the fact remains: we all deal with stressors. The problem comes in when those stressors consume our lives. That is where simplifying comes in and saves the day.

What Are the Benefits of Simplifying Your Life?

By simplifying your life you create a snowball effect that goes much like this:

Simplifying leads to…

…less stress

…less worry

…less wasted time

…more time for what’s important

…more joy

…more contentment

The old adage continues to prove true: “Less is more!” Are you ready to do less so you can live more? Less stress, more joy? Less stuff, more space? Less of the useless and more of what makes life worth living?

Here are some tips to live the “less is more” life to the fullest!

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Decide what’s important. The best way to simplify life is to figure out what’s cluttering it up. And the best way to do that? Wade through all the mess, stress, and activities, and find what really matters to you. Is it spending time with family? Paying off debt? Pursuing a dream/promotion/relationship? Pull everything away that doesn’t fit within your priorities, then only add back in what will help you focus on what matters most.

Learn to say no. When you’re aware of what is important to you, it’s easier to say no to things that don’t fit into your life. The pressure to say yes can be intense! Especially if it means you could be disappointing someone else. But if you know it doesn’t promote your priorities, you can have confidence that saying no (whether it’s to a project, a job, a purchase, or even a relationship) is the right thing to do.

Limit your screen use. Did you know that Americans spend an average of nearly eight hours a day in front of the TV? That doesn’t even include time spent on social media (anywhere from two to five hours daily).

While there isn’t anything wrong with relaxing in front of your favorite show after a stressful day, overindulgence can actually cause more stress. Not only can valuable time disappear in front of a screen at an alarming rate, TV and social media lend to negative and discontented thoughts. Suddenly, you’re trying to fill your life up with unimportant things because you’ve gotta keep up with the Joneses, or you’re freaking out because the reported news is never good.

Limit screen use and you just might be amazed by how much less cluttered your life becomes. [Also read: 6 Tips for Setting Screen Time Boundaries]

Pay off debt. Debt is stressful, so decide to live without it! This may mean working a little more, being more disciplined with budgeting, and cutting luxuries out. But once that debt is gone, you can enjoy those luxuries again without the stress of debt hanging over your head.

Consider downsizing your living situation, driving a less expensive vehicle, and having a massive garage sale. Get rid of cable, cut back on eating out, find a better deal on internet, and get creative with free entertainment. Even after your debt is gone, you may find you don’t want to add back in some of what you once considered necessities!

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Get organized. Sometimes I wonder how much of my life is spent looking for a missing shoe or set of car keys. Can you relate?

Getting your home organized and decluttered can be a time consuming process initially. But the long-term payoff is well worth it. When everything has a place and everything is in its place, you save both time and sanity!

While we can’t cut all things stressful out of our lives, we can find some serious relief through simplification. If you’re living day in and day out consumed by stress, tackle one (or more) of these simplifying tips, and embrace the “less is more” lifestyle!

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