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How to innovate my company using Artificial Intelligence?

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Artificial Intelligence ( AI ) has been one of the most recurrent topics of conversation and analysis in companies in recent years, especially among those who work on innovation within the company.

Faced with an increasingly globalized world and in constant digital transformation, every day more professionals agree on the urgent need to incorporate and exploit disruptive technologies such as Artificial Intelligence to achieve the growth planned in the short, medium and long term.

For those who are not familiar with the concept, we can say that Artificial Intelligence is a segment that belongs to the field of computer science. It is defined as the type of technology that allows systems and machines to simulate human intelligence . We refer to the ability to make decisions and also simulate actions that a human being would take.

Today AI is transforming the way we analyze, describe and predict the behavior through which societies produce and consume products and services. In fact, all of today’s industries are facing the challenge of digital transformation, a challenge that goes hand in hand with innovation.

That is why, this time, I share with you some ideas on how you can innovate your company using Artificial Intelligence

1. Sales prediction

Through Big Data , Artificial Intelligence greatly facilitates this process and drives great solutions. This procedure is carried out using predictive models based on historical sales and transaction data , although it can also be done taking into account industry trends.

It should be noted that sales prediction is an important tool to anticipate consumer behavior and manage your company’s resources intelligently. In other words, it helps you guide strategic decisions that will have a potential impact on the success of your business.

2. Insights

We can define an insight as an understanding of the real needs expressed and not expressed by clients. One way of working on this point is through Data Clustering . Data Clustering is a methodology that helps discover and identify important relationships between data . This technique is also known as segmentation .

Knowing the insights is important as it helps you discover innovative ideas about your product, delve into the behavior of your customers, visualize new trends, among other points.

3. Inventory prediction

Inventory prediction is the practice of looking at your past sales, what sales trends are like, and the demand for your products. Artificial Intelligence is an excellent tool to carry out this task more precisely .

In most business contexts, it becomes necessary to make these predictions to make better resource allocation decisions. Knowing how to adjust inventories, looking for the ideal point between the safety stock and the reduction of stocks, has a direct impact on any income statement.

4. Automation of production processes

The incorporation of this technology can help mechanize some manual tasks to perform them in less time and with fewer resources. This condition increases business productivity and enables scalability of processes and jobs.

Another of the great advantages that AI offers at this point is that it allows us to detect in which processes there are “ bottlenecks ” within the company and, at the same time, deduce under what specific circumstances they occur.

5. Solve customer problems

In these times it is vital to have tools that help to provide personalized attention, as well as to provide answers and solutions immediately. Currently the main protagonists are chatbots .

A chatbot is a virtual assistant that helps customers and other users in a wide variety of contexts through text or voice interfaces. These bots are used by companies to execute predetermined actions, depending on what the customer wants, whether it be to provide information about the product, to schedule an appointment, generate a report, etc. Without a doubt, incorporating this type of technology will help enormously to generate innovation within your company .

6. AI allows us to: classify, evaluate, predict and approximate results

We well know that the great protagonist of this era is Big Data . We are talking about the data age and the large amount of information that companies can receive to make strategic decisions. Artificial Intelligence helps, in this sense, to classify, evaluate and order the immensity of said data, and then make predictions and approximations of results that are useful for the business .

As can be seen, innovating a company using Artificial Intelligence facilitates work, simplifies processes and helps to promote products or services. Consequently, the productivity of the company improves, greater scalability is achieved, and the company becomes more profitable.

In short, Artificial Intelligence can be your best ally to drive innovation within your company.

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