BIRTHDAY STAR: Actor Jennifer Love Hewitt was born in Waco, Texas, today in 1979. This birthday star has portrayed Maddie Buckley on...
Today the Sun returns to romantic, loving, and dreamy Pisces casting a rose-colored glow over everything and initiating a brand-new phase within...
Three zodiac signs are the luckiest when it comes to love on February 15, 2023, and what’s interesting about today is that...
BIRTHDAY STAR: Actor Seth Green was born in Philadelphia on this date in 1974. This birthday star has voiced the role of...
Everyone has those days every now and then when they feel more irritable than usual. And we’ve all had moments where something...
Today, the Cancer Moon harmonizes with Venus in Pisces, washing the day in calm and peace, challenging you to receive and believe in this...
In the month ahead, the Aries stellium takes center stage and delivers the abundance you have been seeking. In some cases, it...
Today brings the First Quarter Moon in Taurus, a chance to release what prevents you from manifesting your intentions from the recent...
This day promises to be ripe with hyper-intelligent ideas that tend to go wrong as soon as they are spoken about. OK,...
Have you ever been on a diet, and because you restrict certain foods from your menu, you know that whatever you will...