BIRTHDAY STAR: Actor DeWanda Wise was born in Jessup, Maryland, today in 1984. This birthday star portrayed Nola Darling on the series...
The CNN Money Fear and Greed index showed further improvement in overall sentiment among U.S. investors on Friday. U.S. stocks closed higher...
Few commentators give South Carolina Sen. Tim Scott much hope of overtaking Donald Trump in the race for the Republican nomination for...
SAINT-LAURENT-DE-LA-PLAINE, France (AP) — If time travel was possible, medieval carpenters would surely be amazed to see how woodworking techniques they pioneered...
HONG KONG (AP) — A Hong Kong court on Monday rejected a jailed publisher’s request to terminate his national security trial, pressing...
Are you a believer in the power of astrology? Do you often turn to the stars for guidance and insight into your...
ARIES No matter where you land on the financial scales, a change of perspective may automatically make you feel more abundant. Trade...
The US will hold joint exercises with Coast Guards from Japan and the Philippines for the first time starting this week amid...
Artificial intelligence is taking on an ever-widening role in the health and wellness space, assisting with everything from cancer detection to medical documentation....
Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi has inaugurated a new parliament building in New Delhi in a grand ceremony boycotted by more than...