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Zodiac Signs Who Make Great Dads — Ranked From Best To Worst

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CAPRICORN (December 22 – January 19)

A Capricorn was born to be a father — it’s your true calling. As a father, you like to teach by example. You want your children to be hard-working, responsible, and educated. You’re always looking for new ways to educate your children, whether it be creatively or traditionally.

As much as you want to give your children everything they want, you know not to spoil them too much. You also believe in letting your children learn for themselves. Even if that means taking ten minutes to realize that 2×2 equals 4, you want your children to be independent and be able to think for themselves.

TAURUS (April 20 – May 20)

You’re one of the most affectionate parents out there. As a father, it’s important to you that your children feel secure and safe. You want your children to understand the importance of family.

You’re always trying to come up with creative, new ways to bring everyone together. You’re very patient with your children, and hardly ever raise your voice at them. Your children love that you’re loyal, and know that you’ll be there for them at any moment.

GEMINI (May 21 – June 20)

As a father, it’s important to you that your children remain physically and mentally healthy. Instead of coming home from the grocery store with chips ahoy and frozen pizzas, you prefer a more cleaner approach to your meal preparations.

Along with that, you encourage your children to participate in sports or any other kind of physical activity that keeps them fit and busy. You want to teach your children everything you know, and believe it’s important for kids to be culturally educated.

CANCER (June 21 – July 22)

Family time is the most important thing to you as a father. You love to create family traditions, whether it’s playing board games, going to the movies, or taking trips to the zoo. You want everyone in your family to be close.

However, sometimes your children might think you’re a little too involved in their lives. If you want your children to enjoy family time, it’s also important that you respect their privacy when they need you to do so.

SCORPIO (October 23 – November 21)

One of your biggest concerns as a father is keeping your children involved and busy. You want your kids to be social and outgoing, so you’re always encouraging them to be as involved in as many extra-curriculars as they can.

You believe that a busy child is a happy child, so you’re always trying to help them pursue their interests and hobbies. Even though you want the best for your children, they might see you as being too controlling at times. If they don’t feel like going to art club one day, it’s okay to give them a break.

PISCES (February 19 – March 20)

Your parenting legacy focuses strongly on creative freedom and expression. Whatever interests your children have, you’ll do anything to help them explore it even deeper and develop it as much as they can. Being a Pisces, one of your biggest values is being kind to others.

By watching you, your children learn how to be kind to other people and show respect to everyone they meet. While your intentions as a father are remarkably great and selfless, sometimes you forget to add structure to your parenting. You don’t want to be too lenient with your kids. Sometimes it’s okay to say no every now and then.

LIBRA (September 23 – October 22)

Your children’s needs are everything to you. Whatever your child needs, you’ll give to them without hesitation. One of your more important family values is that there aren’t any secrets. You want your kids to be able to open up to you about anything. Because you’re so concerned with your children’s needs, sometimes it’s hard for you to say no to things that may not even be necessary.

Junior wants the iPhone 8? You’ll get it for them. Because you’re so willing to give, it’s easy for you to become resentful and grumpy when your kids don’t give back to you. Don’t expect so much from your children while they’re children. Know that they love you, but sometimes don’t expect them to give back in the way you want them to.

ARIES (March 21 – April 19)

As an Aries, you’re passionate, assertive, and a great leader. Your passion and determination is bound to be the roots for your children’s success, no doubt. They’ll learn from you how to be humble, independent, and goal-oriented.

On the other hand, sometimes you let your stubbornness get the best of you. This can create a lot of drama and fighting in your household, and if you’re not careful, it can do a lot of damage to your relationship with your children. Learn to be just a little more patient and understanding, and your kids will appreciate and look up to you even more than they already do.

VIRGO (August 23 – September 22)

You’re the “take your shoes off in the house” kind of parent. In a house full of children, you’re always making sure everything (and everyone) is clean and neat. You’re big on chores, and believe it teaches your kids responsibility and accountability.

Even though you can be a bit of a neat freak, you respect and value your children’s opinions and feelings. Which is why you want to make sure you’re not overwhelming them with how attentive you are. If you’re always fixing a hair that’s out of place, or questioning them about their whereabouts every ten minutes when they’re out with friends, it might become a little overbearing.

LEO (July 23 – August 22)

Being a Leo, you can be pretty indulgent and impulsive at times. Like any proud parent, you enjoy bragging about your children. You spoil them endlessly, and do so without any hesitation. You want your children to have a better life than you, and sometimes you can get carried away with this by focusing on your own needs instead of your children’s.

You have a lot of important lessons you could be teaching them, and maybe that’s something you should be more focused on instead of buying little Johhny those $100 pair of shoes he won’t stop begging for. Tell him he can wait until Christmas.

SAGITTARIUS (November 22 – December 21)

Being a born Sagittarius, you love to travel and be adventurous. And you want your kids to be the same way. Sometimes you’ll even go as far as pulling them out of school to take them on road trips.

Being a father can be difficult for you in this aspect – you want your kids to see the world and be culturally educated, but you also have a hard time prioritizing and making sure they have what they need to be responsible adults. Often, you lose sight of your role as a parent and fall into more of a friend role, which is good in the moment, but can lead to larger issues down the road.

AQUARIUS (January 20 – February 18)

Sometimes as a father, you feel like you have to be your child’s best friend. You’re laid-back, calm, and sometimes can be emotionally detached, but when it comes to raising a kid, it’s not always easy to be that way. The honest truth is that not everyone has what it takes to be a the GREATEST parent ever, and that’s okay — we all make mistakes. Luckily with kids, they bounce back fast.

Children crave and need emotional support, and without it, they can become depressed and run in to a whole gamut of other obstacles in their lives. So, if you decide to have children (or already have children) make sure you’re giving them lots of love and paying close attention to what it is they need. There’s nothing more important to a child than a parent’s love, so stick in there and do the best you can for your family, and you’ll be golden.

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