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What Do Fixed Signs In Astrology Mean? Susan Taylor Explains

fixeed signs

Taurus, Leo, Scorpio and Aquarius are referred to as fixed signs in Astrology. They are classed as such because when the Sun enters each of these four signs listed, it marks the middle point of a season. Fixed signs are regarded as solid stabilizers, who act with determination, intense reflection and deep vision. Our in house Astrologer; Susan Taylor, reveals the meaning of this phenomenon and how it impacts your personality.

Once fixed signs make up their mind, it’s impossible to get them to change it.

What does it mean to be a fixed sign?

This mode stabilizes the zodiac. Understanding this modality will give you more insights into the associated zodiac signs and their personalities. Like the cardinal signs, Taurus, Leo, Scorpio and Aquarius each belong to a different element group.

Loyalty, creativity, and willpower are common traits that these personalities share and use to their advantage. On a sourer note, they are also considered to be stubborn and inflexible…

> Learn about the other modalities in astrology <

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What fixed means for Taurus — Earth sign, beginning halfway through spring

Taurus is the most dogged zodiac sign and the fixed modality only reinforces their reluctance for flexibility. Although it’s rare for these natives to get angry, when they do explode, people are often left speechless. These folks are patient, loving, trustworthy, and devoted; just don’t rile them up.

How about Leo? — Fire sign starting in the middle of summer

Leo natives like to test the limits and are often guilty of starting unnecessary drama and upset. They love being the center of attention and having all eyes on them. Sharing the spotlight is out of the question for them! That being said, they are generous, understanding, and faithful.

What about Scorpio? — Water sign falling mid-autumn

Scorpio natives can sting when they feel that they need to stand up for themselves. Their intensity is impressive and can fool people into thinking they are cold and standoffish. Their passionate characters mean they are natural fighters and never back down from challenges.

And Aquarius? — Air sign commencing mid-winter

As the last fixed sign, Aquarius uses their intelligence and sociability to spread their ideals. They are real philanthropists, which is why they choose to take on other people’s problems as well as their own. Helping people is their life’s mission.

Astrologist Susan Taylor’s insights:

Fixed signs are loyal, reliable, courageous, persevering and hard-working. When they make a commitment, they keep their word and take responsibility, but if they are betrayed, they hold stubborn grudges. This stubbornness is their main weakness because it deprives them of broad-mindedness. They also find it difficult to adapt, and this rigidity can affect their private life as much as their social life.

Why are fixed signs so attracted to each other?

Fixed signs are just as straightforward and dogged in love as they are in life. They are attracted to people with similar go-getting mindsets, which explains why chemistry between these personalities is so strong. The attraction between Taurus, Leo, Scorpio and Aquarius is very fiery and often leads to beautiful relationships. 

However, signs of the fixed modality don’t accept domination or control. Although they are authoritarian and emotionally unstable, their goals are well-defined.

>>> Dive deeper into the world of astrology by calculating your rising sign and why not learn more about the mutable signs too?.

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